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Oil on Canvas 80x80

The Double-gap timelapse shows the results of different exposure times of a photographic plate getting hit by photons in the double-gap experiment, which is fundamental to the origin of Quantum Physics. In the first two pictures the particle characteristics of light are portrayed, whereas in the last two pictures the determining interference structure, due to the wavelike behaviour of light, is shown. 
Time relevance is also discussed by the artist in the chosen medium which is oil painting. The series portrayed change over time but also showed the importance of cutting time up into quantities in order to measure the rate of change. 

"Entangled circular polarized photons" is a result of Zeilinger´s research in Quantum information. This experimental result gives us the key to uninterceptable communication due to entangled states of particles. An entangled particle is always inversely reflected by its partner particle, which creates a spaceless link. Creating multiple entangled states can be used as a key for securing information.
The picture itself shows the interference structure of entangled, circular polarized photons, parted with colour to categorise the intensity (Colour coding: red-highes intensity to blue-lowest intensity).

Double Gap Series: Fotogalerie
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